Changing An Emotional Pattern

Changing An Emotional Pattern


The sense of smell evokes more emotionally vivid memories than any other sense.

Changing an emotional pattern can be done through the use of essential oils using the sense of smell.

Smell is the only sense connected directly to the emotional part of the brain. Aromas influence our emotions and therefore our behaviors. This is due to the anatomy of our olfactory system and its connection to the limbic system within the brain. When we touch, taste, hear or see something it first goes to the thalamus which processes it and sends it to the cerebral cortex for interpretation.  Our sense of smell goes straight to amygdala and hippocampus which play a huge role in way smells trigger emotions and vivid emotional memories. The smell of certain foods such as fresh baked bread. or other comfort foods can trigger a flood of memories. Smell is the most underutilized sense we have yet one of the most powerful. We recognize & form memories from approximately 10,000 different odors.  The sense of smell evokes more emotionally vivid memories than any other sense.

Essential oils increase the oxygen in the pineal and pituitary.

Essential oils (EO) have the same impact on the limbic system to trigger emotional memories.  EO have the power to increase oxygen in the limbic system which in turn unlocks what’s hidden in the DNA allows the emotional baggage to be released from the cellular memory. Only the sense of smell can help release an emotional trauma.

Due to the complex chemical constituents, essential oils can play a role in transforming unpleasant emotions, inducing relaxation, and potentially reducing the damaging effects of stress on the mind and body. In addition, essential oils are incredibly complementary to other healthy stress relieving techniques such as meditation, & yoga. Inhalation of essential oils can communicate signals to the olfactory system and stimulate the brain to exert neurotransmitters (e.g. serotonin and dopamine) thereby further regulating mood.

EO can help:

  • Decrease sympathetic nervous system activity (fight/flight/freeze)
  • Enhance energy levels.
  • Help the person to feel grounded in the present moment.
  • Promote positive thinking.
  • Enhance memory and focus.

In a recent study of older people, smell training was shown not just to improve their olfactory function but also their verbal function and overall wellbeing, demonstrating that smell training is a good way to improve the quality of life in older people.(1,2)

What’s Required to Change An Emotional Pattern?

The EO will work but, changing an emotional pattern requires a person do more than just smell and EO.  There are several prerequisites in order for this to be effective.  The individual must

  1. Recognize and mentally understand the behavior pattern(s) that trigger the emotion(s).
  2. Spiritually be willing to learn the lesson(s) by increasing awareness of the negative pattern & then learning to embrace the positive side via affirmation.
  3. Physically change the conditioned response at the cellular memory level through the application of the essential oil to the appropriate area on the body.

Until the person becomes consciously aware of these blocks & their causative feelings/thoughts and are willing to transform the energy around the emotion, these feelings and their effects will be their constant companions.

(1) Wegener Birte-Antina, Croy Ilona, Hähner Antje, Hummel Thomas Olfactory training with older people, Internal journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2018, Pages 212-220

(2) Thomas Hummel MD, Karo Rissom, Jens Reden MD, Aantje Hähner MD, Mark Weidenbecher MD, Karl-Bernd Hüttenbrink MD; Effects of olfactory training in patients with olfactory loss.  The Laryngoscope Volume119, Issue 3 March 2009, Pages 496-499

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